How to Become a Five Star Uber or Lyft Driver with TLC Rental Cars or Personal Vehicle
Different techniques that Uber or Lyft drivers using their vehicles or TLC cars for rent can use to earn more five-star ratings from passengers
It’s true that many people can become successful Uber or Lyft drivers either with their own vehicles or driving TLC rental cars. However, earning that elusive five-star rating from a passenger takes even more effort. While keeping your personal vehicle or TLC cars for rent clean and welcoming is a good start, here are a few more tips that will help you earn that five-star rating.
Become Familiar with Your Location
You may have lived in a town or city all your life, that does not mean you know all the roads or the best way to travel to a destination. While having a GPS helps, getting familiar with areas that you are not generally requires driving around them first. Take a couple of hours to drive around places you are unfamiliar when you first start. That will help avoid getting lost or taking a wrong turn.
Stop Poor Reviews First
The best way to start getting five-star ratings is to avoid getting poor ones first. This means doing the basic, such as having a clean vehicle, arriving promptly, and driving safely to the destination. While most Uber and Lyft drivers will steer well clear of bad ratings, there are the occasional passengers who’ll give you one regardless, so it is best to be prepared.
One of the most common ways to get a one-star rating is to pick up the wrong passenger. It’s relatively rare, but it can happen if you do not double check with the passenger first. Asking for their name and verifying the information takes only a few seconds and can put the passenger at ease as well.
Be Courteous
Passengers can be a fickle lot, but you should always be respectful and kind. While that may not help in all situations, you may avoid misunderstandings or quell rising feelings by being kind and courteous to all your passengers.
The Little Things
Quite often, it’s the little things that help push your ratings up to the five-star level. This means offering gum or mints to those who are feeling sick, keeping the windows up, but providing air conditioning when asked, and even letting them play their own music.
Never Ask or Beg
Your service should speak for itself, so do not ask or beg for a five-star rating. Your confidence and conduct alone should be enough to earn it. By asking, you actually reduce your chances of getting a good rating because passengers will be thinking of a reason not to give it to you.
For those using their personal cars or TLC car for rent, getting that five-star rating from passengers helps boost your career considerably. Keep in mind that driving the best TLC rental cars offers one means of improving your ratings, but you can keep your success going by following simple tips that make you an in-demand Uber or Lyft driver.